FAQ - compression garments

Frequently asked questions about compression garments

Frequently asked questions about compression garments

Compression garments – frequently asked questions

Here we have listed the most frequently asked questions about compression garments. If you would like even more information about these, please contact our consumer service.

Problems with the topband of compression garments

The topband keeps rolling over – what can I do?

Find retailers of compression garments

Where can I find a retailer for compression garments?

Buying compression garments

What do compression garments cost?

Are there any factory outlets or can I order directly from medi?

Donning and doffing compression garments

  • Donning compression garments with the medi Butler
  • Donning compression garments without donning aids
  • Donning compression garments with the medi 2in1
  • Doffing compression garments with the medi 2in1
  • Donning sleeves with the medi arm Butler
  • Taking off compression garments with the medi Butler Off

Repairing compression garments

Can holes and ladders in compression garments be repaired?

Problems with the fit of compression garments

I have a problem with the fit, what can I do?

Caring for compression garments

How should I care for my compression garments?

Swimming with compression garments

Can I go swimming with compression garments?